Aug 16, 2023
| Reap Health |

Hunger's Echo: Fasting and Renewal - Part 1

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he mere thought of fasting has most likely pushed some of you to run and grab your not-so-secret snack stash. It's a concept in our fast-food society that went years under the radar until the health food fad gurus resurrected it from its near death; a quite brilliant idea, as the concept seems fresh and new, yet still appeals to our insatiable pursuit of comfort. However, is it just a ploy, or can we find deeper truth beyond the hippie health nuts? Grab a celery stick (or not), and let's embark on this gut-growling journey together!

A Lifestyle of Fasting

At its most basic essence, fasting entails abstaining, often associated with refraining from food, yet it can extend to nearly all aspects of our lives. The idea of going without food is a well-calibrated dance with hunger, a strategic pause in the world of calories, and a chance for your digestive system to take a sabbatical and reset. It is well beyond the idea of simple starvation; it's a calculated and conscious decision to let your body tap into its hidden survival skills.

The History of Self-Induced Hunger

Fasting's history is a fascinating tapestry woven across time, cultures, and purposes. From ancient Greece's cleansing rituals to the spiritual significance of fasting in various religions like Islam and Christianity, this practice has left its mark on humanity. Fasting experienced shifts in perception during the Renaissance and Enlightenment eras. It evolved from a religious practice to being examined from a scientific and medical perspective, with philosophers and physicians exploring its potential benefits. Fasting, whether out of necessity, spirituality, or in pursuit of greater health, serves as a unique bridge between ancient wisdom and modern understanding.

Fasting is the ultimate act of self-control and mastery. [David Goggins]

By MD Duran

A Feast of Benefits

Fasting offers notable benefits for men, as highlighted by Herbert M. Shelton, a prominent advocate of fasting and natural hygiene. Shelton's work emphasizes how fasting can aid in detoxification, improving digestion, and supporting overall health. By allowing the body to rest from constant digestion, fasting can help men experience enhanced energy levels, mental clarity, and potentially contribute to weight management. You'll know your true discipline and grit when you set a fast over the weekend in the midst of football season. The real sense of gratitude for your fasting choice will come Monday morning as you notice the difference between a day of fasting compared to a day filled with pizza and beer.

  • Increases Fat Burning [1]
  • Improves Blood Sugar [2]
  • Reduces Inflammation [3]
  • Aids Heart Function [4]

Preparing For Life in the "Fast" Lane

When planning out your fast, you don't want to approach it as if it is the "Last Supper", so avoiding your local all-you-can-eat buffet is advised. Gradually scaling down meal portions in the days preceding the fast assists for a smoother adjustment. If that is not possible, or you just want to jump straight into the deep end, it is best to focus on hydration and the recovery. Increasing water consumption and integrating electrolyte-rich fluids aids in preventing dehydration during the fast.

When it comes to breaking the fast, keep the pantry door closed. Small portions is vital to reintroducing food back into your routine. Broths, lemon water, or herbal non-caffeinated teas are perfect first choices. If you are wanting more substance, try avocados, plain nuts, or unsweetened yogurt. The fast should have already put you in a state of sensitivity, so understanding what your body wants is important. Basically, stay away from ordering a full stack of pancakes or a heaping pile of buttery pierogies.

Key Considerations

  1. Preparation - Have a plan, even if it's simple; this isn't meant for starving ourselves, it's about recovery.
  2. Rest - You'll get tired. Spend time resting.
  3. Sun Bathing - Will assist in absorbing key nutrients; avoid doing so in high temps.
  4. Warmth - Your body temps might drop, so find ways to keep warm and keep blood circulating.
  5. Water - Alkaline or high-mineral content water is preferred.
  6. Recovery -Listen to your body, don't rush back into full meals.
To starve is to die, to fast is to live. [Herbert Shelton]

DISCLAIMER: Before starting a fast, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are currently taking medications. While fasting offers potential benefits, individual reactions or experiences may vary, and it is essential follow steps directed by a medical expert or under supervision.


Commit to implementing a routine of fasting into your lifestyle, whether weekly, monthly, or yearly. You're already fasting at night, so what's a few more hours? See the Objective(s) for more ideas.

Post your progress in The Old Gate - Discord Channel - 🏆︱reach-the-milestone


  1. Set Goals to what you want to accomplish with the fast. Is it spiritual, physical, something else?
  2. Skip breakfast and start eating at lunch time.
  3. Fast from something besides food, like technology.
  4. Build a support team that will encourage you during the fast.
  5. Listen to your body. Eliminate things from your diet and see what happens.
Primal Roots Quote: Man standing by a waterfall.
Regain Control; Forest with a train going into a castle like tunnel