Apr 18, 2023
| Realize Potential |

Awaken The Warrior Deep Within

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he warrior archetype has been a part of human culture for thousands of years. In ancient times, warriors were seen as protectors of their tribes, using their strength, courage, and skill to defend their people from danger. Today, it equates to having a positive Kill-to-Death ratio on Call of Duty. You know the type - the modern "warrior" with the souped-up headset that talks a big game but couldn't handle a round of kickboxing to save their lives. It's time to put down the keyboard fingers and pick up some actual skills.

The True Warrior Archetype

Instead, today's warrior archetype should look to the past and reprioritize resilience, humility, courage, and a deep commitment to a cause or goal. We all have the potential to tap into this inner warrior, but many of us don't know where to start. So let's put down the controller, hit the power button, and tackle that challenge head-on. Who knows? We may even discover a new level of strength and resilience within ourselves that we never knew existed.

Deep Within You, There Resides A Warrior Waiting to Be Awakened.
By Richard Lee

Rise and Move: Embrace the Challenge Ahead

Embrace challenges and adversity. Sure, it's much easier to sit on the couch and binge-watch your favorite Marvel movie for the third time. But be honest, will that really inspire you to reclaim your inner warrior? When was the last time you were inspired by something average? Embracing and engaging challenges not only helps us grow as individuals, but if done as a community, as a tribe, we will be able to support each other to overcome even greater obstacles. Just as a herd of bison moving across the plains, each member of a pack brings his own set of skills and strength; each contribute their best to achieve their collective goals. Together, they forge ahead, facing every obstacle and challenge as one. The strength of their brotherhood fuels them to overcome any adversity in their path. Just like the bison, we must move forward as a unit, relying on each other for support and inspiration.

| Feed Your Body |

You're organic, not synthetic. The first step to unleashing your inner warrior is to nourish your body. This means eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. But let's not get too hung up on the details. You don't have to be a health nut to be healthy. Just focus on eating real and organic food while avoiding the sugary junk. It's that simple.

| Move Your Body |

The warrior within you needs movement to thrive. Regular exercise can help boost your energy levels, improve your mood, and reduce stress. But don't worry, you don't have to be a gym rat or a marathon runner to reap the benefits. Simply start with stretching in the morning. If you must, after each Call of Duty match do push ups for each "death". The important thing is to move your body regularly and find ways to enjoy the XP while doing it.

| Increase Your Intellect and Spirit Stats |

The mind and spirit are just as important as the body when it comes to unleashing your inner warrior. Take time to nurture your mind through practices such as meditation, mindfulness, or journaling. But let's not get too woo-woo about it. You don't have to chant, light incense, or wear crystals to be mindful. Just sit down and be present for a few minutes a day. And don't forget to nurture your spirit through activities that bring you joy, whether it's reading a book, listening to music, or hanging out with friends.

| The Art of Sacrifice |

Look for opportunities to serve others in your daily life. This can be as simple as holding the door open for someone, offering to help a neighbor with their groceries, or volunteering at a local charity. Serving others helps us to focus more on the needs of others and less on our own problems and the online trolls that grieve us.

| Grind Your Way Through It |

Finally, we need to practice self-discipline. No, not the kind where we force ourselves to do a juice cleanse for a week. We're talking about setting achievable, consistent goals and actually working towards them instead of giving in to instant gratification. Join this tribe if you are ready to awake our inner warriors together.


Commit to becoming the warrior you were born to be and eliminate the assault of negative rhetoric. See the Objective(s) for ideas.

Post your progress in The Old Gate - Discord Channel - 🏆︱reach-the-milestone


  1. Eat local and organic foods.
  2. Start stretching and exercising daily. Start simple, don't overthink it.
  3. Avoid watching videos that are less than 5 minutes. Consume content that will push you mentally.
  4. Pay It Forward in unique ways, such as give a generous tip, send a care package, leave surprise encouraging gifts in your community.
  5. Speak Life. Focus on saying positive things to yourself and others. Cursing and negative language is proven to cause damage in your mind and to others around you.
  6. Eliminate porn from your life. Great Resource Guide: Here. | Books: Your Brain on Porn - Gary Wilson | Wired for Intimacy - William M. Struthers
  7. Perform a challenging task when you first wake up that will set the tone for the day.
Primal Roots Quote: Man standing by a waterfall.
Regain Control; Forest with a train going into a castle like tunnel