Jun 6, 2023
| Reach The Milestone |

Book Review: Wild At Heart

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timeless message for a pacified generation, Wild at Heart by John Eldredge is a captivating exploration of the masculine soul and its inherent desire for adventure, purpose, and freedom. In this transformative book, Eldredge delves deep into the core longings and unique challenges faced by men in today's society. With profound insight and heartfelt wisdom, he calls men to embrace their God-given design, to step into their true identities as warriors, and to reclaim the wildness that lies within their hearts.

Reclaiming an Authentic Manhood

At the core of the book are three ideas that Eldredge describes as foundational truths for every man: a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue. This is a model that all men, though in different ways, are motivated by in life. Think famous movie characters like Luke Skywalker, John Wick, King Leonidas or William Wallace from Braveheart. All these archetypes model these core ideas and are argued throughout the book as a primary factor of why they appeal universally to men. Eldredge encourages men to recognize that life is not merely a series of mundane routines, but a call to embrace their inner warrior through breaking free from complacency, while also honoring and pursuing the woman of their heart.

Society at large can't make up its mind about men having spent the last 30 years redefining masculinity into something more sensitive, safe, manageable, and well feminine. [John Eldredge]
By William King

Foiling the Deceptive Internal Doppelgänger

A distinctive insight that is emphasized in the book is the need to heal our wounds that create a false self or deceptive internal identity that we attempt to make the reality. A front for the hidden truth buried deep within, Batman's Bruce Wayne. Through childhood and life we amass wounds that seep into the subconscious and are either walled off, or resurface into destructive qualities. Eldredge's three foundational principles of masculinity provide a high-level blueprint to our way forward. Discovering and embracing our true selves allows us to live more fulfilling lives, build authentic connections, and ultimately become the best versions of our original design.

Whether this method or another, we must tread thoughtfully, as we are the in middle of one generation that buries their feelings and another that is attempting to unearth emotions while feminizing masculinity. As we strive to heal our wounds and shed the deceptive identities we create, the key to reclaiming our true selves and embracing genuine masculinity may indeed lie in the simplicity of removing the mask, ultimately unlocking a fulfilling life of authenticity and meaningful connections.

There is a way that seems right to man but leads to death. [King Solomon]

Musings from the Trail

In a trip to reset and recover, I decided to head out to the coast of Southern California. Unlike most of my adventures this trip was largely unplanned or scheduled out. All I knew was that I needed some type of journey that I could flow like the waves heading into shore without the concern of what was in front of me or behind me. Free of the concern of time and the burdens of life.

I knew that that it would be a revitalizing trip but was surprised when I discovered deep within the dark waters a colossal leviathan that was trying to drown my true identity. Allowing myself to let go of time and space exposed wounds that I thought were healed years ago, that I thought were already at the bottom of the sea, but still remained clung to the hull.

The discomfort and fear that broached from the waves was unbearable for a moment. However, any worry of sinking drifted away as I allowed my mind to focus on letting go and simply trusting. I then realized any labels or identities that I had held so closely to no longer mattered in that moment. Like a battle won, the once-monumental worries of my life faded into insignificance, revealing that my endless pursuit of creating a false identity and fear of the future was a fleeting illusion.

A Review of The Old Gate Ahead

On The Path (+)
  • Classic universal core principles
  • Simple and to-the-point message
  • An honest assessment of struggles men face
  • Not afraid to challenge the norm of his Western Christian faith
  • Has plenty of companion material, including a book for women
Off The Path (-)
  • Solutions are not always detailed and at times can feel ethereal or fantastic
  • Readers not of the Western Christian faith may not relate to certain parts of the book
  • Some chapters can drag on slightly
A Path Worth Taking For:
  • Younger Men
  • Christian Men
  • Men who are looking for a challenge
  • Those who like a mix of spiritual and practical ideas
  • Those who like books with supporting resources


Commit to pursuing a life of authentic masculinity. Join us on this journey as we lift each other out of the trenches, as this battle can't be fought alone. See the Objective(s) for ideas.

Post your epic stories and discoveries in The Old Gate - Discord Channel - 🏆︱reach-the-milestone


  1. Encourage a woman in your life to read Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge together
  2. Determine if your lacking in "An Adventure to Live, A Battle to Fight, or A Beauty to Rescue"
  3. Surround yourself with a band of dangerous or like-minded men
  4. Research and check out Eldredge's other books and content here
  5. Watch a movie that emphasizes masculinity. Recommendations: An Officer and A Gentlemen, Cinderella Man, Ready Player One, Top Gun: Maverick, or In Time
Primal Roots Quote: Man standing by a waterfall.
Regain Control; Forest with a train going into a castle like tunnel