Jun 13, 2023
| Rediscover Nature |

Earthbound Elements: Frankincense

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n the realm of natural remedies and ancient healing practices, few substances can match the enigmatic allure of frankincense. Known famously as Frankincense, olibanum has captivated civilizations throughout history with its rich aroma, mystical origins, and an array of remarkable health benefits. While often associated with spirituality and ceremonial rituals, this aromatic resin holds incredible potential in improving the overall well-being of men. From its soothing and rejuvenating properties to its potential to enhance mental clarity and physical vitality, frankincense emerges as a versatile and invaluable companion for the modern man's journey towards optimal health. Join us as we delve into the hidden marvels of this timeless gift from nature, and unlock the secrets that frankincense holds for men's wellness.

Frankincense: Unveiling the Mystique of Its Ancient History and Benefits

Frankincense, derived from the resinous sap of Boswellia trees, holds a storied history that stretches back thousands of years. It was highly prized in ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Persia, and Greece, where it was considered a precious commodity traded along lucrative incense routes. Revered for its captivating aroma and believed to possess divine qualities, frankincense was often used in religious ceremonies, embalming practices, and as an offering to the gods. Frankincense encompasses diverse varieties such as Boswellia sacra (Sacred), Boswellia Carterii (Frankincense), Boswellia Serrata (Indian), and Boswellia Frereana (Yemeni). Each type possesses unique aromas, chemical compositions, and potential health benefits.

The word "frankincense" itself is derived from the Old French franc encens, meaning "high-quality incense." This demonstrates the enduring allure and recognition of its exceptional qualities throughout the ages. Frankincense's rich and storied history speaks to its enduring significance in various ancient civilizations. Its value as a precious offering, symbol of status, and therapeutic substance has transcended time, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of human existence.

Picture yourself as an olfactory explorer, bravely navigating through an aromatic wilderness that will awaken your senses like a roaring campfire on a starry night. From the bold and commanding presence of Sacred Frankincense to the rugged charm of Frankincense, and even the robust, spice-filled allure of Yemeni Frankincense, this aromatic odyssey will infuse your every breath with the essence of strength and vitality

Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit. [Edward Abbey]
By VolantAroma

The Marvels of Frankincense for Man's Well-Being

The benefits of frankincense are as diverse as the resin itself, offering a treasure trove of advantages for men's overall well-being. Now I ain't talking about your ladies secret doTERRA obsession; there is a reason this substance has been regarded as sacred and used for thousands of years going back to the ancient times. Its potent anti-inflammatory properties can soothe your hardworking, post-workout joints and muscles, helping you stay active and agile. [1] Not stopping there, frankincense also possesses remarkable skincare benefits. It can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, providing you with a complexion that exudes timeless charm and confidence. Additionally, you can burn frankincense while on the porcelain throne and let its calming aroma act as a stress-reliever, helping you navigate the pressures of modern life. [2]

In a world dominated by synthetic scents and artificial fragrances, the allure of natural ingredients like frankincense remains unparalleled. Unlike synthetic scents that can often overwhelm, irritate, and cause health issues, natural fragrances, like frankincense, have a harmonious and subtle quality that is as gentle as a woman's touch. They evoke a deeper connection to our natural born state, while also transporting us to serene landscapes and invoking a sense of tranquility.  

In a world drowned in synthetic fragrances, the scent of nature becomes a precious refuge, offering a symphony that nourishes the soul and rekindles our connection with the essence of life. [The Old Gate]

A Quick Guide: Ethical Frankincense Sourcing

While the benefits of frankincense are undeniably enticing, it's crucial to approach its sourcing with caution. Look for reputable brands and suppliers that prioritize sustainable practices and support the conservation of frankincense-producing trees. As the demand for this aromatic resin continues to rise, it becomes ever vital to partner with transparent and ethical companies.

Products to Consider:

DISCLAIMER: Before incorporating frankincense into your routine, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are currently taking medications. While frankincense offers potential benefits, individual reactions may vary, and it is essential to use it in moderation and as directed. Furthermore, always perform a patch test to check for any allergic reactions before applying or ingesting frankincense products.


Commit to transitioning to natural products in your daily life that are ethically-sourced and high-quality. See the Objective(s) for more ideas.

Post your progress in The Old Gate - Discord Channel - 🏆︱reach-the-milestone


  1. Research the ingredients in the products that you use on a daily basis. Do you recognize everything?
  2. Recruit family and friends to help you make the transition to natural products.
  3. Read this article about the challenges with sustainably-sourced frankincense.
  4. Watch this video for more benefits of frankincense.
  5. Raid your lady's essential oil stash and surprise her with your new knowledge.
Primal Roots Quote: Man standing by a waterfall.
Regain Control; Forest with a train going into a castle like tunnel